Off Road Adventure In Casca

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

First Ride Out To OFFA

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

From Lagos to Europe

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

Ikogosi Tour

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

West Africa Tour

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

Death Valley on a Motorcycle

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

Triumph America

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

First Ride Out to Offa

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…

Spring Wildflowers

We woke up to prepare for the trip back to Lagos. Breakfast was yam and sauce; Yam and egg and…


2004 m. gruodį užregistruotas ir įteisintas Utenos motoklubas „Ugnies ratas“ („Fire Wheel“), kurio steigėjai buvo Žydrūnas Bukauskas (jis iki 2009 m. klubui ir vadovavo), Artūras Bliuvas, Vidmantas Valaitis.


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  • Maironio g. 8, Utena, LT-28142
  • (+370) 643 93003

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